Thursday, December 27, 2007

Erwin McManus: Awaken 2008

"AWAKEN is more than a conference..."

The mystery surrounding Erwin McManus' "non-profit organization", Awaken, continues with the upcoming conference entitled:

Awaken 2008

This three day "journey into the imagination of spiritual leaders" takes place April 1 - 3, 2008. It is being held at:

Mott Auditorium – William Carey University
1539 East Howard Street
Pasadena, CA 91104

This is the same address as Erwin McManus' home congregation, Mosaic, L.A.

Ticket prices for this event range from the "super early bird" special of $199 for groups of 10+ to $369 per person for those who miss the discount deadlines. You can purchase your ticket on-line or call the phone number provided for more information. To order online you must first set up an account.

Nowhere on the Awaken Conference website does it mention who will be receiving the ticket money for this event; Awaken or Mosaic.

I sent the following *email to the on-line ticket service provider:

I have a question about an event using your on-line ticket services.

Awaken Conference 2008 - Live Event
April 1-3, 2008
Mosaic Church
Host: Erwin McManus

Is this event being held by Mosaic church? What I would like to know is if the ticket money is going directly to Mosaic or to some other organization.

As a church, Mosaic is a tax exempt 501c3 under IRS regulations.

As a Calfornia corporation, Erwin McManus' company Awaken is not a tax exempt 501c3.

The website for the conference and the ticket- order pages connected to it do not indicate what organization will be receiving the money for this event.

Thank you for your time,

Yvonne W.
(I used my full name)

In addition to the ticket sales, I looked into who are the conference sponsors and exhibitors -


Mosaic Alliance - The Awaken website,, lists the Mosaic Alliance as being a part of Awaken.

Awaken - This is Erwin McManus' company which lists his literary agent as the Agent for Service of Process in it's incorporation paperwork.

Mosaic - The church, Mosaic, L.A.

CCN - Church Communication Network


SHE Community - This is the women's ministry of Mosaic, L.A.

As of December 27, 2007, [with the exception of CCN] there are no other sponsors/exhibitors for the Awaken 2008 conference apart from Awaken or Mosaic but the conference is still trying to recruit others.

"Your company, ministry or organization can connect with up to 2,000 ministry and community leaders at the Awaken 2008 Conference. Awaken 2008 sponsors and exhibitors will be situated in high-traffic areas of the Mosaic Community Campus."

Interestingly, the contact person for inquiries regarding sponsorship or exhibiting at this event has an email address from CCN. This was a bit of a surprise to me until I clicked on the icon to the CCN webpage and discovered that CCN has close ties to just about every speaker scheduled to appear at the Awaken 2008 conference.

So what is going on here?

Is "Awaken" a non-profit organization?

Is the Awaken 2008 conference an "Awaken" event or isn't it?

What is the relationship between "Awaken" and Mosaic?

"Awaken is more than a conference . . . "


I just received this reply to my email:


The organization hosting the event is Church
Communication Network ( They will be
receiving the registration fees.

Jorin Slaybaugh
Software, Inc.

I guess this explains the email address from CCN.

Yvonne W.


I've been thinking about the curious facts that CCN is receiving the ticket money for:

1. An event called Awaken 2008 hosted by Erwin McManus which looks very much like an Awaken event since it features the same corporate logo as Awaken and . . .

2. This event is being held on the campus of Mosaic, L.A.

What exactly does Awaken or Mosaic gain from this arrangement?

CCN is a for profit company. That's fine, I have no problem with that.

As far as I can tell Awaken appears to be operating as a "for profit" company despite the fact that Erwin McManus has called it a "non-profit" since it doesn't show up on the IRS publication 78 list for federally recognized 501c3 tax exempt organizations and it doesn't appear on the list of the California State Attorney General's Roster of Charitable Trusts.

As a church, Mosaic is automatically classified as a federally recognized 501c3, tax-exempt organization.

So . . .

A. Here we have a for profit organization (CCN) collecting ticket fees for an event

B. . . .which uses the corporate logo of another organization (for profit or non-profit?] and the event is hosted by the founder and president of this same (for profit or non-profit?) organization

C. . . . and the event is being held at the grounds of a third, non-profit organization.


I hope that Mosaic is at the very least collecting some type of rental fee for the use of it's facilities.


Anonymous said...

Honestly I came to your website because I had been hurt by someone who puts Erwin McManus on a pedestal and I wanted to see why my pastor did the things he did. Although it seems like he did many things that Erwin has done (force out competent ministers for no apparent reason) I definitely have not gotten any kind of satisfaction after reading your entire blog.
I have to believe that Erwin and the elders of Mosaic would agree to hear your concerns in person if you ask them. You have had email contact from several members of Erwins "inner circle". Have you asked for a personal meeting?
If you can't obtain anything like that, then why don't you present your information to the local authorities(possibly the IRS as well) and ask for an official investigation.
I understand your concern and frustrations with Erwins leadership, but when will the time be to let God work without spurring on continued pain.


Yvonne W. said...


Please keep in mind that my father, Pastor Robert Martinez, was an elder at Mosaic until he was literally forced to resign from that position by the outrageous behavior he was subjected to and documented in his letter of resignation to the board of elders at Mosaic.

A very long time ago, I was once a group leader at Mosaic myself and I am too well acquainted with what happens during so-called "personal meetings" with leadership. It is not something I wish to experience again.

I would not even consider such a meeting unless someone in a position of real authority from Mosaic comes to this blog with assurances that such a meeting could be arranged to take place under the following conditions:

1. It takes place in a neutral location.

2. Both sides are allowed to bring witnesses.

3. The meeting is recorded.

4. The records of the meeting are made available to whomever asks to see them.

Those are my conditions.

As to me making an effort to contact the leadership at Mosaic, let me remind you that Eric Bryant has not replied to the last email I sent to him on May 3. He is the one who broke off communication with me.

SM, I have not ruled out contacting the IRS or California State Attorney General's office regarding my concerns especially in light of the fact that starting January 1, 2008, new IRS regulations regarding non-profit reporting reguirements will take effect.

Yvonne W.

Anonymous said...

Before your father was asked to resign last year, he was involved in everything from Mosaic to Awaken. Surely his hands are bloody as well? If you want incriminating evidence, just ask your father. Before he was fired, I never heard your father speak out or question anything that was going on at Mosaic. Suddenly, he is let go and his daughter starts to make accusations of inproprieties with the finances. YOUR DAD HAD FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING! If there was theft or dishonesty concerning money, your father either participated or turned a blind eye because he was too blinded by his own admiration for Erwin. I am not a fan of Mosaic or Erwin anymore but your argument, although extremely valid, is flawed because of who your father is. You are asking questions that your father should have answers to. Please go home and ask your dad what is really going on and tell the rest of us.


Yvonne W. said...

Tom K,

Wow, you've said some very interesting things in this comment that reveal more than I think you intended to reveal.

For instance, you wrote:

Before he was fired, I never heard your father speak out or question anything that was going on at Mosaic.

First of all, is this an admission that my father was "fired?" The official explanation at Mosaic is that my father "voluntarily retired." In this statement, you speak as if you are someone in a position who knows the real story of what happened, I find that very interesting since Erwin McManus has not publically stated that he "fired" my father. Your statement adds validity to what my father has maintained all along.

Also, how do you know that my father "never spoke out" or questioned anything that was going on at Mosaic? Did you ever sit in on the private elder's meetings? Have you read the minutes of such meetings? Have you ever verified your opinion by checking the voting records taken during such meetings? Have you ever spoken to the elders of Mosaic to find out what their recollections are of such meetings? In case you are unaware of who to talk to, the current elders of Mosaic are:

Greg Soohoo
Rick Yamamoto
Erwin McManus
Eric Bryant
Enrique Vaszguez

Tom, if my father was so "enamored" of Erwin McManus to the point that he was willing to turn a blind eye to any improprieties that were gong on with Awaken then why did he, and the rest of the elders, RESIGN from the board of Awaken? Have you truly been paying attention to the things I have written in this blog?

Please Tom, if my father was such a yes-man for Erwin McManus then why isn't he STILL at Mosaic? Why would Erwin McManus "fire" him?

Tom, you wrote:

Go home and ask your dad what is really going on and tell the rest of us.

Are you aware that Mosaic has it's own lawyer? When my father was first "fired", he was asked to sign what amounted to a blanket gag-order covering everything my father was involved in. My father had the wisdom not to cave into such a ridiculous demand but sought legal advice of his own. Keep in mind that Erwin originally wanted to cut off my father completely and leave him without any retirement compensation whatsoever. Also remember that my stepmother's employment was terminated with less legal grounds than my father's was. In the end, in order to gain some type of financial security for his family, my father reluctantly agreed to a retirement package that included signing a contract with a "non-disclosure" clause about Mosaic.
My father has not broken that legal agreement, everything I have learned about Mosaic and "Awaken" (in all it's manifestations) I learned through researching public records and speaking with other people who were willing to talk with me on these issues.

In other words, Erwin McManus may have thought he could solve his problems by silencing my father, but he couldn't silence my father's friends and family members and he can't erase the legal paper trail left behind all these "Awakens."

Tom, my father's hands are clean.

Yvonne W.

Anonymous said...


I think a lot of people know that your dad was fired, "asked to retire". That isn't a big secret. The circumstances behind why he was let go is foggy. To this day, I still don't know the real reason. It all sounded a bit shady. Here are my questions for you:

1) Why did all the elders resign from the board of Awaken? If you are suggesting that the board did not want to participate in the "shady" inner workings of Erwin's "charitable work", and therefore resigned, then why are they still at Mosaic and why do they still back Erwin and call him a friend? Are they all blinded?

2) Are you accusing or suggesting that Erwin is lining his own pockets with money that should be designated for Awaken projects?

3) Do you have solid proof that he using the money that people are donating to satisfy his "plush" lifestyle?

I want proof. Besides not filing the correct IRS forms and other legal technicalities, what do you have? Witnesses to actual theft or misappropriation of funds (please don't go back to BTI campaign)? If there is something that the staff at Mosaic share is the lack of organization. They are horrible with paperwork and anything that involves numerous steps (ie. filing the correct government documents). I am not making excuses for them but this is a fact. Could it just be a lack of oversight on their part? Yvonne, I need solid proof. What I do know is that Erwin today is a much much richer than Erwin circa 1997. I have serious doubts about those who get rich off the gospel. Jesus died on the cross so that we might live. As far as I can see, he paid the price so why do we have to pay $399 to hear about him at a seminar for Origins? I know that dollar figure does not ONLY cover cost and I respect a man who has to earn a living but common!?!? Someone is making a lot of money. I estimate about 2000 people will come. You do the math!

Yvonne, you are an extremely detailed person. What do you do for a living? You should be a detective or in forensics! Keep digging. I really hope when your done, Erwin and Awaken come out clean for the sake of others. It would be another disappointment to the Christian community. Despite everything, the only good that exist is God and we should trust Him and Him alone.


Yvonne W. said...


Here are the answers to your guestions as I know them:

Question 1.

The elders resigned from the board of Awaken (International) because the financial information needed to complete the paperwork reguired by the State of California was not given to them on time to meet the deadlines set by the state. Erwin was the only one who had this information and for some unknown reason he did not turn it over to the elders in time for them to finish the paperwork. (I have no idea what that reason was and I won't speculate on whether it was simple neglect, procrastination or something more.)

The elders resigned in order to avoid any personal liability that might result from the missed deadlines. They assumed that Erwin would handle these matters on his own since Awaken (International) was his project.

At that time, there was nothing to suggest that Awaken (International) was "shady." At worst it was simply getting off to a rocky start as a non-profit so there was no need for any of the elders to leave Mosaic or disassociate themselves from Erwin. The fact that these men resigned from their board memberships demonstrates that they were not "blind" to the mishandling of Awaken (International.) This should have been a strong warning to Erwin to clear up the legal problems with Awaken (International.) If that warning had been heeded then, it's likely that the corporation named Awaken International would not be under a suspended status with the California Business Portal and there probably would have been no need to create any more "Awakens", thus a lot of confusion would have been avoided.

Questions 2 and 3.

I am not suggesting nor have I ever suggested that Erwin is "lining his own pockets" with money designated for charitable purposes. Erwin makes a lot of money off his own book sales and speaking engagements. I have no problem with this, he has the right to earn money off his own talents. I have seen no evidence to suggest that he is using charitable donations to fund his lifestyle.

Tom, you hit the nail on the head when you wrote:

If there is something that the staff at Mosaic share is the lack of organization. They are horrible with paperwork and anything that involves numerous steps (ie. filing the correct government documents). I am not making excuses for them but this is a fact. Could it just be a lack of oversight on their part?

This is EXACTLY the point I've been trying to make all along!

Running a non-profit organization is not a game, it is a serious business that involves the proper stewardship of other people's money. There is no room for "disorganization" in an organization that wants to be responsible for the appropriate handling of thousands of dollars [such as the current goal of $150,000 for Awaken Humanity.] When the average donor gives their hard earned money to a charity, they expect that charity to use the money wisely and for the purpose for which it was given.

For example: When a charity makes an appeal for a specific purpose such as a children's village, donors expect their donations will go towards a children's village, NOT a unrelated conference in a different country. Once the donation money is received by the charity, it is the charity's responsibility to use that money in accordance with the wishes of the donor, in this case; to fund a children's village. Once received, the charity cannot simply "change it's mind" about how it wants to use that money without notifying the donors IN WRITING to ask for their permission.

In addition to all this, there are special laws pertaining to the collection of donations on behalf of charities in foreign countries. This is a complicated area of law that I have only just begun to investigate myself so I can't say much about it. What I do know is that these rules have become much more strident post 9/11[for obvious reasons] so all charitable organizations need to be extremely careful when sending money overseas.

Tom, I don't know if there has been any type of theft at Mosaic or "Awaken," at this point in time I don't think this is the case.

I'm also not sure if what happened with the BTI funds could be labeled "misappropiation of funds," but then I'm not the California State Attorney General.

My purpose in starting this blog was to ask questions with the hope that I would either get "solid" answers in return or at least spark some type of response from Mosaic or "Awaken" towards resolving the issues these questions are based on. So far, I have yet to receive any satisfactory answers to these questions and have I not seen any honest attempts to resolve these problem issues.

Right now I am waiting for a reply to a general question I sent to the California State Attorney General's office regarding the definition of a commercial fundraiser. I'll get back with that reply as soon as I receive it.

Yvonne W.

Anonymous said...


it seems like you are on a witch hunt, or a personal venedetta. I am not a part of Mosaic, and I supported MOP's cause at first. But it seems like you are now turning over every stone for something to use against them. After readng your blogs, I see no hard evidence that anything is going on (and I really wanted to see if there was).

Did you every pause to think that all of this is legitimate? That Awaken is legit and giving money to charity. That no one is breaking protocal. That there is no mystery surrounding the organization, except that which you are trying to create?

You just seem really paranoid by giving all the possibilities, but no facts. Just a thought... you would have alot more credibility if you posted after you had a solid story.

Yvonne W. said...


There are FOUR, separate corporations with direct connections to Erwin McManus or Mosaic:

Awaken Center for Creativity - Corporate status: Suspended

Awaken International -
Corporate status: Suspended

Awaken -
Corporate status: Active

Awaken Humanity -
Corporate status: Active

These are the LEGAL FACTS.

Erwin McManus has publicly stated that "Awaken" is a "non-profit." Which "Awaken" was he referring to? Since Awaken Humanity was legally incorporated after Erwin made this statement, he could not have been referring to that particular corporation so it must be one of the other three.

As of January 04, 2008, the website STILL states:

*All donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to “Awaken” and indicate “Awaken Humanity” on the memo line and send to the Awaken offices at:

1443 E. Washington Blvd. #659
Pasadena, CA 91104-2650
*Note this is a mailing address and not an office address.

Or, give online with the link below. Donations will be distributed according to the need of each area.

According to the IRS, ONLY RECOGNIZED 501c3 ORGANIZATIONS can claim that donations made to them are "tax deductible."

This is NOT TRUE of ANY of the "Awakens."

You asked me to consider the possibility that"Awaken is legit and giving money to charity."

If Awaken is "giving money to charity", wouldn't this imply that it is not itself "a charity?"

If Awaken is not a charity, then why does it ask people to donate money to it? This is what Awaken is doing when it states on it's website to "make checks payable to Awaken."

Anonymous, I believe there is more than enough evidence of a "solid story" behind all this confusion.

Yvonne W.

Anonymous said...

Your writings are devastating. No wonder why they want to shut you up. I like the part when Mosaic leaders asked your dad to pipe you down. Hilarious and sad, No?